Have you heard about outsourcing and why companies use this methodology ?
The outsourcing service is the process by which a company outsources part of its activity with another company specialising in the area they wish to delegate, for example one company hires another to be responsible for finding staff for a position or more, the contractor company is freed from paperwork, contracts, laws and the time it takes to find a qualified professional.
The advantages of this service are the following :
1- Saving of Time.
By way of example, the subcontractor is responsible for all stages of recruitment, from the announcement to the selection of candidates, allowing the contractor company to focus on other projects while the process takes place.
2-Quality Personnel.
The subcontracted company has established processes according to the specifications delivered by the contractor company, making more focus on its needs and choosing the candidates that meet each requirement.
3- Manage costs
Outsourcing makes it possible to insure the costs of the area, reducing the investment in infrastructure or technology that are necessary for the development of a company by transforming its fixed costs into variables, and thus being able to invest in other areas or projects for its growth.